Objective Type Questions (Environmental Impact Assessment)

Er Zubair Ahmad

Updated on:

Environmental Impact Assessment

1) EIA is defined as
a) process of identifying, predicting, and evaluating the likely impacts of a proposed project or development to define mitigation actions to reduce negative impacts and to provide positive contributions to the natural environment and well-being
b) report written by government representatives on the planned development impacts of environment, socio-economic issues and culture
c) project life-cycle assessment
d) none of above

Answer: a

2) What is essential in an EIA?
a) that it allows decision makers to assess a project’s impacts in all its phases
b) that it allows the public and other stakeholders to present their views and inputs on the planned development
c) that it contributes to and improve the project design, so that environmental as well as socioeconomic measures are core parts of it
d) All of the above

Answer: d

3) What is the purpose of the “screening” step of EIA?

a) To assess the quality of the project design
b) To facilitate informed decision making by providing clear, well-structured, factual analysis of the effects and consequences of proposed actions
c) To determine whether a full EIA needed
d) b and c both

Answer: d

4) EIA is study of probable change in socio economic and ________ characteristics of environment due to proposed action.
a) biophysical
b) geological
c) hydrological
d) Potential

Answer: a

5) What is included in an Impact assessment?
a) a detailed assessment of the planned project and selected alternatives compared to the baseline conditions
b) Qualitative descriptions measuring high, medium and low impacts
c) Quantitative descriptions such as indicating the cubic metres of water withdrawn, sewage produced, and pollutants released
d) All of the above.

Answer: d

6) What is a contingency plan?
a) A set of guidelines ensuring that the development project will remain within its boundaries.
b) A plan of actions to prevent an emergency and to be taken when emergencies occur.
c) A plan describing the measures that will be taken to contain or treat any waste produced by the
development project.
d) None of the above

Answer: b

7) EIA is ______and ___________ environmental impacts.
a) beneficial and adverse
b) social and benefit
c) adverse and economical
d) None of above

Answer: a

8) ___________ is evident that order to identify, assess and predict the environmental impacts.

a)Environmental attributes
b) Environmental impact
c) Complex system
d) Variable parameter

Answer: a

9) Prediction of impact is ________.
a) qualitative
b) quantitative
c) economic

Answer: a

10) EIA is a _______ which helps to evaluate environmental impact of proposed developmental projects
or programs.
a) quantitative
b) tool
c) subjective
d) clearance

Answer: b

11) EIA was introduced in India in ____ .
a) 1978
b) 1976
c) 1879
d) 1789

Answer: a

12) Screening criteria based on ______ .
a)type and location of development
b) difficult and control attribute
c) type and difficult to development
d) partial development

Answer: a

13) Scoping is procedure of _________environmental issues.
a) identifying
b) impact
c) physical impact
d) attributes

Answer: a

14) EIA is including mechanisms for monitoring, __________ and evaluation.
a) specification
b) auditing
c) reporting
d) concluding

Answer: b

15) EIA is _______ step activity.
a) three
b) four
c) two
d) five

Answer: b

16) Prediction include determination of __________ and magnitude of impact.
a) nature
b) action
c) predict
d) extend

Answer: a

17) Prediction is ________ data and technical knowledge.
a) scientific
b) evaluate
c) error
d) operational

Answer: a

18) EIA is ________ tool for decision making process.
a) management
b) social
c) essential
d) systemating

19) __________ required to measure the variables.
a) Skills
b) Value
c) Data source

Answer: a

20) EIA is ________ report.
a) applicant
b) logical
c) legal
d) documental

Answer: a

21) Lead agencies decided whether ________ is required or not.
a) EIS
b) EIA

Answer: b

22) Lead agency decision on whether issue permit __________ or the project.
a) rejected
b) decided
c) approved
d) negotiated

Answer: c

23) EIA is ________ study to delineate between beneficial and detrimental impacts.
a) micro
b) action
c) proposed
d) macro

Answer: d

24) Which are environmental attributes?
a) Detailed attributes
b) Review level attributes
c) Economic attributes
d) a and b both

Answer: d

25) EIA is__________ consuming process.
a) Time
b) Preventive
c) Control
d) Short term

Answer: a

26) EIA is intristic link between __________ and economic growth.
a) ecological
b) polluted
b) beneficial
c) environment

Answer: d

27) Identification may confirm and _.
a) existing
b) new one added
c) stages complete
d) invite

Answer: b

28) The baseline studies in EIA pertain to __
a) Collection of demographic data only
b) prediction of significant residual environmental impact
c) existing environmental settling of proposed development area
d)selection of best project option available


29) Which one of the following steps is not included in the scoping process?
a) baseline description and potential additional data collection needs
b) description of environmental impacts and creation of contingency plan
c) defining set of criteria to assess the projects
d) settling of expert team that will conduct EIA


30) which capacity based on developmental planning process?
a) regional carrying capacity
b) economic development
c) quality of life
d) resources

Answer: a

31) EIA is way of evaluating and controlling______
a) different development activities
b) beneficial and adverse impact
c) quality of human, environment
d) proposed action or project

Answer: c

32) EIA is report to relevant regulatory authority. a)
b) polluter
c) applicable
d)all of the above

Answer: a

33) _______ must pay principle is applicable.
c) polluter
d) applicable

Answer: c

34) EIA may define formal process used to predict environmental consequences of _____

a) identify project
b) any development projects
c) reduced cost
d) impact of laws

Answer: b

35) EIA is supporting the goals of environmental protection and _
a) sustainable development
b) economic growth
c) involvement of public
d) proposed activities

Answer: a

36) EIA is provided for ________ of public, government agencies to review proposed activities.
a) beneficial
b) mitigation
c) involvement
d) adverse

Answer: c

37) is a way of mapping environmental consequences of significant aspect of project.
a) Impact prediction
b) social impact
c) adverse effect
d) economic

Answer: a

38) Scale and severity of impact is determined by whether it is .
a) development
b) reversible
c) adverse
d) reversible or irreversible

Answer: d

39) EIA is necessary because …………
a) development is bad for the environment
b) there is growing interest in sustainability
c) environmental impacts of developments are of public interest
d) none of the above

Answer: c

40) Which of the following statements are false?
a) land use planning systems do the same thing as EIA
b) EIA is costly and time consuming
c) EIA is intended to be a rational and comprehensive assessment
d) EIA is a process

Answer: b

41) Where undertaken, EIA should be used to help determine whether consent is given for
a) never
b) hardly ever
c) often
d) always

Answer: d

42) The primary reason for Environmental Impact Assessment is to
a) mitigate existing environmental impacts of development
b) predict the size of impacts of developments
c) describe proposed developments
d) identify the environmental consequences of development in advance

Answer: d

43) Environmental impact assessment is ________ specification.
a) site
b) time consuming
c) quantification
d) energy resource

Answer: a

44) Which is EIA methodology?
a) assessment
b) mitigation
c) adverse
d) land use

Answer: b

45) The EIA procedure identifies the possible positive and negative impacts to the environment
resulting from a proposed project. These impacts are identified over both ______ and
time frame.
a) short term and long term
b) adverse and time consuming
c) beneficial and short
d) adhoc and matrix

Answer: a

46) Who will be decided EIA required or not?
a) public
b) consumer
c) lead agency

Answer: c

47) what is EIAS?
a) environmental impact assessment statement
b) environmental Indian association statement
c) environmental international assess state
d) none of the above

Answer: a

48) EIA is evaluating and simulator quality of _____.
a) economic
b) human and environment
c) action
d) proposed

Answer: b

49) Screening is whether project required ________ as per statutory notification.
a) environmental clearance
b) environmental impact assessment
c) Seia

Answer: a

50) Mitigation measures may be ________ public awareness programme.
a) lead agency
b) correction
c) preventive
d) aspect

Answer: c

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